17 Health Benefits Of Lemon Honey Water Worth Knowing


Here are 17 health benefits of lemon honey water worth knowing! This article will cover all the different reasons why you need to start drinking lemon honey water every single day when you wake up in the morning.

health benefits of lemon honey water

Note: If you are on any health medications, please consult your doctor before you start consuming this drink daily just to be safe.

17 Health Benefits Of Lemon Honey Water Worth Knowing

Drinking lemon and honey water every morning will help you fight, prevent and ease all of the following conditions.

1. Removes Bad Breath

If you are combating bad breath, here is a way out! Drinking lemon juice daily will help destroy bacteria in the mouth and activate salivary glands. Just be sure to mix the lemon juice with water before you drink it because the citric acid compound found in lemons can erode tooth enamel.

We recommend you wash your mouth with water after consuming lemon water daily just to be on the safe side.

2. Relieves Constipation

Consuming lemon water early in the morning before eating solid foods will help remove stuck stool from your intestines. People who suffer from constipation can find relief quickly by simply drinking a cup of lemon and honey tea 3 times per day.

3. Clears Acne

Drinking lemon water daily will help fight free radicals, purify your blood, improve your skin tone, increase collagen in the skin and provide your body with antibacterial properties. Applying lemon juice directly on to acne and massaging it will help remove dead skin cells, clear blocked pores and promote cell regeneration.

4. Relieves Chest Congestion

Drinking lemon and honey will help clear out a cough, cold, flu and chest congestions quickly because the acids in lemons help to thin mucus so that it comes out easily. Drink a hot cup of lemon and honey tea 3 times per day to help relieve your symptoms fast!

5. Detoxifies The Body

It is common knowledge that the body accumulates toxins from everything around it! From foods, oxygen, dust, and drinks, Consuming lemon water will help detoxify your body, kidneys, and liver quickly.

6. Natural Diuretic

Sometimes the body gets inflamed due to infections or injury, this causes the tissues in the body to accumulate fluid which leads to water retention or edema. Excess water in the body increases pressure on the heart leading to high blood pressure in most cases.

Consuming lemon water daily will help remove excess water from the body quickly while improving your overall health.

7. Improves Digestions

Honey acts as an antibacterial agent and lemon helps to breakdown the food quickly. This combination helps improve digestion. This powerful drink also helps increase the production of bile secretion which helps your body absorb nutrients better.

8. Low Calories Energy Drinks

What better way to increase your energy levels in the morning than drinking low-calorie lemon water? This drink is easy to prepare and provides your body with important vitamins and minerals!

9. Protect Against Infections

One of the best natural home remedies for infections is lemon and honey water or tea. Due to the antibacterial properties of both lemon and honey combined, you can successfully treat any kind of infection at home for free!

10. Boosts The Immune System

Drinking lemon and honey water at least 2 times per day will help boost your immune system quickly. Lemons are very high in vitamin C, potassium and antioxidants which are all very important for a healthy and strong immune system.

11. Cleanse The Intestine

Drinking lemon and honey water at least 3 times per day will help boost nutrient absorption in the body. It also cleanses out the intestines and keeps your gut healthy.

12. Cleare The Thorat Infection

When you have a cold or the flu, your body tends to dehydrate and lose important vitamins and minerals. Drinking lemon water during a throat infection will help your body recover lost fluids along with vitamins and minerals and help you heal faster.

13. Balances PH Levels

Lemon contains essential minerals that help alkalize the blood and balances ph levels tremendously. Drinking lemon and honey water daily will help reduce acidity in your body!

14. Enhances Metabolism

The citric acid in lemon along with the other powerful amino acids helps promote a healthy metabolism. These acids also help reduce constipation, aid in digestion and improve your gut health. Having a healthy metabolism will help reduce conditions like stress, depression, and anxiety.

15. Give Skin Glow

Drinking lemon and honey water daily will help purify your blood and promote new healthier blood cells. Applying lemon juice directly on your skin will bleach the skin, therefore, you will need to dilute it with a little bit of water to remove blemishes and make your skin look ten years younger!

16. Helps In Weight Loss

Drinking 2 glasses of lemon water early in the morning will help strengthen your immunity, speed up your metabolism and improve digestion. Adding honey to your lemon water will help increase your energy levels which in turn aids in the weight loss process.

Lemon water also helps in reducing appetite and sugar cravings so why not start making it a habit and add lemon honey water to your daily routine.

17. Relieves Urinary Tract Infections

As stated earlier, lemon mixed with honey creates an antimicrobial effect which helps reduce urinary tract infection symptoms quickly. This might drink helps flush out harmful bacteria from the kidneys, bladder and the urinary tract.

Nutritional Values Of Lemons

Everyone knows that lemons are filled with vitamin c and citric acid but did you know that lemons are also very rich in other vitamins and minerals as well? Below are some of the other important nutritional values of lemons worth knowing.

Lemons contain the following:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin E
  • Folate
  • Niacin
  • Riboflavin
  • Thiamin
  • Calcium
  • Copper
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Phosphorus
  • Zinc

How Honey Benefits Your Body

Honey is one of the best sources of natural carbohydrates and it helps to boost energy levels naturally. Consuming honey with lemon daily will help you reduce symptoms of fatigue. It is also very sodium-free, fat-free and cholesterol-free which makes it the perfect natural sweetener to add to your drinks.

Lemon And Honey Water Recipe


  • 1 glass of water
  • 1 teaspoon of honey
  • 1/2 lemon juice freshly squeezed


Warm the water just a little bit and mix in the lemon juice, add in the honey and stir until you have an even mixture. Drink this water early in the morning 30 minutes before breakfast and 30 minutes before bedtime to help you get all the benefits.

Bottom Line

There you go! You now know the 17 health benefits of lemon honey water and why you need to start drinking it every single day! If you liked this post, please share it with your friends and family and also take a moment to follow us on Pinterest for more helpful weight loss tips and remedies.

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