18 Best Super foods For Fast Weight Loss


Below are 18 best superfoods for fast weight loss to help you put your body in fat burning mode! Combining these superfoods with a low calories diet and a workout plan will aid you to real your weight goal in no time!

The foods given below will help increase your metabolism, boost your energy, improve your health and lose weight quickly!

18 Best Superfoods For Fast Weight Loss

Including these nutrient-rich foods into your diet will aid you to lose weight by putting your body in calorie burning mode.

1. Watermelon

Watermelon carries an effective antioxidant called Lycopene and is packed with 92% water which helps in the weight loss process by curbing hunger pangs. Watermelons are well known to help improve the function of the metabolism and they are very low in calories.

We suggested you add a cup of watermelon to your diet daily which is only 46 calories.

2. Chia Seeds

Though small in size, Chia seeds carry healthy fats (known as omega-3 fatty acids), fibre and are actually one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet today. One tablespoon of chia seeds incorporate a whopping 5.5 grams of fibre to your diet and carry only 69 calories.

Chia seeds are also great in boosting energy levels to enhance your workout sessions. You can add chia seeds to 
pastries, cereals, smoothies or even sprinkle small quantity over your toast!

3. Spinach

Spinach is filled with nutrients and very low in calories, 2 cups of spinach carry only 14 calories! It’s rich in protein (which helps enhance muscle mass in your body), fibre, iron and potassium (which reduces bloating).

You can incorporate fresh spinach leaves to 
salads, meals, smoothies or simply munch on it when you feel hungry!

4. Apple

Apples also carry effective antioxidants which help stop metabolic syndrome, a condition that causes obesity and other dangerous health issues. They are also rich in fibre which helps keep you feeling full for a longer period of time.

5. Popcorn

A lot of individuals would think the idea of Popcorn as superfood crazy but did you know that a cup of air-popped popcorn only carries 31 calories? Another wonderful fact about popcorn is that it contains a complex carbohydrate which takes forever to digests keeping you full for a longer period of time!

It is recommended not to add butter to your popcorn, just a pinch of salt and air pop it yourself at home.

6. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are rich in potassium which helps stop bloating. They are also packed with an effective antioxidant called lycopene which helps boost weight loss. A cup of sliced tomato carries only 32 calories and these little guys are filled with water which helps keep you hydrated all day long.

7. Dark Chocolate

Dark Chocolate is loaded with antioxidants, magnesium, and fibre. An ounce serving of 70% cacao dark chocolate has 68 mg of magnesium and 3 grams of fibre which improves muscle working. having a piece of dark chocolate after meals will help curb your sugar cravings.

8. Chickpeas

Chickpeas are filled with fibre and protein, a single cup of chickpeas carries 12 gram of each fibre and protein. This combination will aid to keep you feeling full throughout the day because it takes longer to digest.

9. Oats

Oats helps in the weight loss process by boosting energy levels because they digest slowly. Consume them for breakfast occasionally but make sure you only eat steel cut rolled oats and stay away from sugar loaded oats.

10. Kale

Kale is actually one of the most nutrient-rich foods on the planet today! Just a single cup of raw kale carries 33 calories, iron, 1 gram of fibre and 2 grams of protein. You can add this superfood to your smoothiessalads or even to your meals to watch the fat start melting away!

11. Lentils

1 cup of cooked lentils has a whopping 16 grams of fibre and 18 grams of protein. Best for boosting weight-loss because of their rich protein and fibre content, whatever your meal plan, lentils should be added to it!

12. Wild Salmon

Wild salmons are packed with omega-3 fatty acids which aid you to build muscle and lose weight. The more muscles you get, the more calories your body is able to burn daily. Studies show that consuming salmon at least twice a week will improve your heart health.

13. Goji Berries

Goji Berries are loaded with 18 very effective amino acids (a great source of protein). A single ounce of goji berries carries 23 calories and 3 grams of protein! You can blend goji berries to smoothies, sprinkle them over your cereals or add them to fresh greek yoghurt.

14. Blueberries

Blueberries are anti-inflammatory and are packed with the antioxidant anthocyanin (which gives them their blue colour). Blueberries are high in fibre which will aid to keep you feeling full throughout the day.

15. Greek Yoghurt

Greek yoghurt is full of protein, it has an incredible 23 grams per cup. It also carries the full trifecta with carbohydrates and fats along with the protein – so incorporate it to your diet will curb your appetite throughout the day.

16. Quinoa

Quinoa carries 6 grams of fibre and 8 grams of protein per cup a combination that will aid to keep you full and satiated for hours. Adding this superfood to your plate is a sure way to curb hunger and help your weight loss.

17.Almond Butter

The fat in almond butter will help keep you satiated longer. 1 tablespoon of almond butter carries 2 grams of protein. Incorporating this superfood to your diet will help reduce blood sugar spikes and boost your energy levels.

18. Avocado

Avocados are filled with monounsaturated fat which keeps you satiated for hours. That said, you need to keep in mind that avocados carry a lot of calories, therefore, you should be careful how much of it you consume!

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Bottom Line

There you have it! Now you know about the 18 best superfoods for fast weight loss that you can start adding to your diet right away! If you liked this article, please like, comment and share it with your friends and also follow us on Pinterest for more helpful weight loss tips!

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